您是外國人,計劃透過卡帕斯步道遊覽雄偉的皮納圖博山嗎?如果是這樣,您需要了解菲律賓空軍 (PAF) 最近提出的要求。 2024 年 3 月 10 日,PAF 向卡帕斯旅遊局發出了關於外國人進入皮納圖博山的信件。

PBIT,以下波蘭國民已獲得批准的訪問許可,VC 編號:A2CI/2024/03-032
現在,通過卡帕斯步道進入皮納圖博山的外國公民必須在訪問前 20 天通過加簽提交其要求(護照照片)。這項新規定來自上級總部,出於安全目的。

遵守這些新要求至關重要,以避免您在遊覽皮納圖博山期間出現任何延誤或併發症。透過遵循 PAF 和卡帕斯旅遊局製定的指南,您可以確保在探索這場巨大而美麗的災難時獲得順利、無憂的體驗。
25 則留言
“We are travelers from Taiwan, planning to visit on October 6, 2025, with a group of four. Our hotel is located at Prime Asia Hotel. Can we participate?”
hi me and my family we are 2 adults 1 child of 10 years and 2 children of 6 years we would like to visit the pinatubo on March 16th. can I book?
Hi, my family and I had a wonderful travel to Mt. Pinatubo 2 years ago. and next, THURSDAY I will go there with my Philippines friend. I booked DIY tour for 4 persons today. My family are foreigners. It will be okay or do I have to cancel it?
Michael Oxender, if you have Philippine issued passport you can visit Mt. Pinatubo or we can apply for Visit Clearance when you book 20 days in advance at tours.mtpinatubo.com
I’m a permanent resident of the Philippines for 15 years, hiw am I classified to trekk to Mt Pinatubo with family.